It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!
IMAGINE… getting leads that have already been interviewed by a member of our call center verification staff to determine whether they are able and willing to make a financial investment of at least $100 AND they are willing to commit to at least 5 to 10 hours a week to work a home business where they can earn $500 to $1000 a month. A lead doesn’t get pre-qualified any better than that, now does it?
Our Investment & Time Qualified, Telephone Interviewed Leads are quite simply the very BEST leads you can buy, to grow your home-based business.
These Leads Are Primed For Your Call…
These pre-qualified prospects are actively seeking a home business and have been primed for you. They’re EXPECTING A PHONE CALL and are prepared for an interview. At this point, it is ONLY a matter of whether they like YOU and the business opportunity you present to them.
Obviously, these leads cost a little more… but they are WORTH IT. Our qualification process is very demanding. On average, it takes our call center specialists 94 conversations with prospects in order to VERIFY one (1) lead like this.
That translates to 94 calls YOU don’t have to make.
Read the following section carefully. You will learn the EXACT PROCESS we go through to generate these ultra-high quality leads.
The Interview:
Here’s the procedure we use when one of our call center staff members gets someone on the phone.
After identifying ourselves, we tell prospects that the reason we are calling is that they recently expressed an interest in a money-making opportunity. Then we ask whether or not they are still looking for one.
We only continue if we get a positive response. Next, we determine how much time they have available to devote to a new business. If they do not have at least 5 to 10 hours a week we terminate the interview. They do not qualify.
Then, we ask if they have a minimum of at least $100 available to invest in starting a home business. If ‘No’ they are disqualified and we terminate the interview. If ‘Yes’ we continue.
Once a person has told our operator they are actively seeking a home business, have at least 5 to 10 hours to work, and have a minimum of $100 to start their business, we then collect and verify the following information.
We check the correct spelling of their name. We verify their phone number. We check and verify the spelling of their email address. We collect an alternative phone number (such as a fax) if they have one. We ask if they have a major debit or credit card. We ask how much money they want to earn on a monthly basis. We will also provide you with their gender.
PLUS… we do even MORE
At this point, it is obvious that this truly is a highly qualified lead. However, what we do next is what makes these leads THE VERY BEST you can buy.
Setting It Up:
At the end of our phone interview, we let the prospect know because of their level of interest and their willingness to answer our questions, that they have qualified for something special.
Based on our 20+ years of experience in this profession, we are willing to have representatives from what we consider to be the best income opportunities in the country contact them.
Quite literally, we are conditioning the prospect to be EXPECTING your call and to be OPEN TO LOOKING at your program.
We explain that our mission as a company is to find highly qualified people like themselves, who are at a time in their lives when they are genuinely seeking an opportunity, and then match them up with someone who has a legitimate and profitable business to offer. We are now willing to endorse them and give them our references.
This is powerful:
It’s called a referral… and there’s no better way to be set up to contact a lead than to be referred.
In fact, it is this 3rd party endorsement from us, and the referrals to people with legitimate programs like yours, that creates a “MAGIC DOOR OPENER” for you.
This far and away separates and distinguishes this lead from ANY other lead being generated by lesser companies in our industry.
Our Unique Four (4) Step Qualification Process:
Prospects respond to an online ad for a home business opportunity and submit their contact information.
A follow-up email is sent that they must reply to in order to qualify and be called for the phone interview.
They are contacted by a member of our call center staff and taken through our interview. (see interview details above)
They are conditioned to expect your call. They are told that they will be contacted by representatives of legitimate home business companies we refer to them, who will explain the specifics of their opportunity.
With each lead you get the following:
Name, Email, Phone Number, and Best Time to Call (Morning) (Afternoon) (Evening)
The name of our agent who conducted the interview.
The answers to each of these questions:
If you found the right home business would you have $100 to invest to get started?
Do you have 5-10 Hours of time available?
Are you interested in making $500-$1,000 monthly?
NOTE: These leads are LIMITED & Very High Quality!
Because of the strict PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS, each prospect has gone through, the quantity of these leads is very limited. In order to ensure the high quality of these leads, we limit the number of times we sell each lead.
We also always maintain program exclusivity. Reserve your Investment & Time Qualified Leads today! In the event we are sold out of leads for your program, we will notify you immediately.
Investment And Time Qualified Telephone Interviewed Leads

I both enjoyed and learned from watching the video. Be relaxed and have a convo with the person on the line.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I have been very pleased with these leads. They remember having requested information and most people are very responsive. I would definitely recommend them to others as I think they are good value. Petra H.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I tried using realtime, short form leads and really love them. When I contact most of the people, they remember asking for the information and are anxious to set an appointment to learn more. I really am pleased with them and recommend them to my team. Rosemary S.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I have to tell you what great success I have been having with your short form leads. I have just started my network business, and in nine days using your leads I have had three enrollments, and many more appointments. Great leads. Thank You Susan P.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
Lead Power generates an excellent lead. They are specific to your needs and I have fantastic luck with them. I recommend them to people in my downline all the time and I use them, myself, on a regular basis. I am also very impressed with their customer service. They are easy to get in touch with, they immediately handle your questions, concerns or requests and the staff is very accomadating. I recommend Lead Power real time leads to anyone looking for a high quality lead at a very reasonable price. Paula M
Short Form Real Time Leads:
The “Mom Specific” leads are AWESOME! I was so impressed by the time frame I received them. I think it was within a day, not something you get with a lot of other companies. The leads have been pleasant and responsive to my calls and emails. I will definitely be referring LeadPower to my downline and purchasing again. Thank You!!! Sharon T.
My team and I are very impressed with the quality of leads. Very refreshing to contact a person and have them expecting a phone call from you.
With The Mom Team we are looking for people that really need our help in getting started with a Home Based Business. Contact quality people that really are looking for an opportunity and really want your help in getting started, that is a breath of fresh air! I look forward to continued success. Anita L.
Real Time Telephone Interviewed leads:
I ordered 10 of the Real Time Telephone Verified leads and I thought they were really good. I was able to set up 4 appointments and everyone that I did talk with had remembered requesting information and were very interested in hearing about my opportunity. Belinda V
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I must tell you that anyone in network marketing wants the same thing when it comes to leads. They want a prospect that remembers requesting information. I have been incredibly pleased with the quality of LeadPower leads. It’s great to talk to people who want to talk to me. I have added so many new partners to my organization with LeadPower. Thank you for your integrity and excellent customer service. Pamala B.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I purchased the short form leads and have had a great response! Out of my 25 leads I have recieved 2 enrollments and 1 in process. The prospects have expected my call. I will definately use Lead Power again! Tracie C.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I just received my first order and was pleased when I started making calls. I set up 2 appointments right away. I have one pending enrollment and another appointment set. I will order again. – Linda N.

Short Form Real Time Leads:
These leads were AWESOME! They answered the phone like they were expecting you to call, VERY receptive! I have enrolled 4 out of 25 leads! Angela L.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I have been very pleased with these leads. They remember having requested information and most people are very responsive. I would definitely recommend them to others as I think they are good value.
1. you need to listen to them to know what they are looking for.
2. then you share with them why your business is perfect for their family

The answer No doesnt hurt … So keep dialing
The training segments are helpful and put me at more ease about reaching out to prospects.
I learned from Dean how you’re able to capture their attention in the scripts and matching their energy. He was calm, and slow when he talked with the prospects. Also, he showed us to SORT through them. I tend to get stuck in a scarcity mindset that I NEED everyone I talk to, instead of an abundance mindset of sorting to get to the RIGHT person, not wasting time on the wrong ones.
I realize that fear of not closing a sale has always kept me from closing deals in the past. My approach was wrong so I quickly decided that they were not interested plus I was always asking questions that made it easy for them to give me a no answer or negative comments that I was not able to come back with an answer.
I am happy that I now have the outline for a totally different approach and look forward joyfully to making the calls instead of dreading the experience. Knowledge is power!
That I don’t have to talk to friends or family.
That I’m actually going to be reaching out to people that have like minds and are looking to change their life, with a home-based business.

Biggest nuggets I got from the call is on making the calls regularly and weeding out the unwanted and enrolling those who qualify or will be capable of making an income and progressing. Also being CONSISTENT and PERSISTENT inspite of all the rejections you will get as a result of making the calls.
We have to remember, there is a ratio we all need to keep in mind when calling and when you will find a “DIAMOND” while making the calls.
The fact that he doesn’t waste time if the prospect
isn’t a fit or the opportunity.
It was very interesting and engaging
I realized that many of the prospects may not be interested when you get them on the phone
the best to do is move on to the next prospect. It’s important to build relationships and get the ones
who are interested to call you back.
Memorize the script and get comfortable. Make it your own so you can flow fluently with your prospects
I enjoy the training and I have learned a lot. It’s very important to make your prospect who are interested comfortable
Give them time to think about what they really want to do.
1. When someone is not serious about making money from home, just move on to the next person.
2. Have patience and don’t take anything personal.

For me these scripts are extremely awesome! They show us the true basics on screening our prospects. Very professional and upfront. It takes the sting out of not knowing what to say as well something others can learn very easily.

To learn and get leads, get sign ups.. Customers !
Thanks! John
I realize I talk too much. I need to talk less and listen more. Listening to the live prospect training call was very helpful. I liked how Dean guided the gentlemen when he needed assistance during the calls. Overall great call lots of helpful nuggets thanks Dean.

My 2 biggest nuggets are1) The leads that are available are not Cold Calling on my part! These leads (and I have used them in the past) are opportunity people looking to make money on-line. 2) These leads are reasonably priced. And they will do everything they can to help you become successful. Great to be back in THE GAME!!
That I don’t have to be afraid to call my prospects if I make it FUN! Also, that I don’t have to be in a hurry to sign-up anyone that I can take my time and choose who I want to be in my business. I also learned that I need to ask more questions and not be afraid to do so.
So many nuggets and ahh…haa moments OHHH that’s how you do it Everything is laid out in simple easy to follow and digest order I can’t wait to get going !!
Closing with the six questions.
Closing questions & overall information
Watching Dean call through an hour worth of leads, no discouragement, and intuitively determining their actual level of interest after each call.
Realizing I am not the only one that sometimes goes through many numbers without a person picking up wa encouraging.
Using the neuro-linguistic language both in phone calls and in left messages was a big gift.
While I am new to this training, I am not new to the industry of Social Marketing and have been an entrepreneur for many years. While I’ve always held my own, I’ve wanted to excel in a way that I haven’t yet experienced. The training here is real, in other words, it’s laid out for people who are serious about learning the ropes, who are ready to follow directions and be coachable.
It’s beneficial to be taught by leaders with a no-nonsense, let’s get down to business approach. I’m glad I found this business.
The best way to start a conversation
The best closing techniques
Remembering to intentionally connect with prospect by listening better for pain points.

Dean and Lead Power have put together a great system to build your Networking business. I’m systems oriented and believe that ability to scale (or duplication) is everything in Network Marketing.
In the past I have been way to blunt and would get mad when someone told me they did not know what I was talking about. Now I know more of how to handle that. Also giving them option type questions and not yes or no type. The six questions for closing are great as well.
The training helps you recruit more prospects and save time.
I liked the insights into the personality of the prospect. Helps with the connection.
Also – connecting with the prospect using humor and complimenting them sincerely.
1. Lead out with the reason for the call and go straight to “are you interested in a full time or part time work?”. Works like a charm!
2. Qualify leads with a series of six questions.
Keeping things simple, while being aware of the questions you are asking, helps everything work.
My coaches and teachers have always given me the ability to TRUST the process. I worked with Tony Robbins very successfully for over 12 years.
Our’s (TONYS) success was based on a system that we marketed successfully. for 20 years
2o years of engagement have been proven to lead him to a Multi-Billion dollar business. NO Bull here! 10 well training OEPN MINDED HUNGRY People will change your life
The biggest takeaway for me is that you have to really listen to the underline message from the prospect and really hear what they are saying and help them get what they want. People don’t care what you KNOW, until the know how much you CARE.
It broke down what I needed to know to effectively close the deal.
The entire training was great, even for someone like myself, who has been in professional telephone sales for years. I actually learned WHY I had been successful in the past…ie. what I was doing right, and what often lead to a slump, as I recognized some pitfalls. But the 6 closing questions were nuggets of pure gold. Because a million prospects you can’t close are a waste! Closing is what counts!
I see that we have to stay consistent and have the information that you need to email or text to the prospects quickly. (I was able to relate to this incident today.)
The first nugget I received from tonight’s training segment, was being direct in your approach and precise in my tone on the phone.
My second nugget understanding the concept of leaving a voice mail message.

I have only started using leadpower leads but getting more real conversations for many reasons. The training and scripts are valuable beyond words and the quality of leads is better than any I have had from other companies. The key is you and me. Make the calls, get it done.
During the live dialing session I learned how to quickly qualify/disqualify a prospect with a series of questions. If the prospect isn’t displaying any kind of energy hurry up and get to the disqualifying questions. However, some prospects showed signs of interest and re-qualified themselves. While talking to a prospect you must speak slowly and clearly. This will enable him/her to fully understand what you are saying.
Be relaxed honest and confident on the phone!
The biggest nugget tonight for me was the way that Dean stopped the interview when he realized the prospect wasn’t who he was looking for. I thought that process went smoothly.

The training tonight was very valuable to me. The live activity of the calling the real leads to two different prospects that had inquired about doing business from home. The first individual named Christopher wanted to take over the conversation and did not want to listen and answer the questions that would qualify him as a future business owner.
The second individual named John, was calm and listen to the questions that were asked. He was engaged with the questions and wanted his wife to watch the information that was forth coming.
Great live dial training by Dean on How to handle A/Aggressive personalities tonight. Thanks so much Dean!
Dont fall into “How much is this cost me” trap. I am going to use your “It wont break the bank”

1 how to you qualify your prospect quickly?
2 ask questions and listen to the answers
Its simple and easy!
I’m more confident in how to present. How I contact people has always been
my weakest link. I’m sure this will give me an extra stepping stone.

I like how you built a rapport with that prospect. I like all the information you gave in the beginning especially on how self motivation is the best motivator in building a home business.
I learn to be motivated and have good posture when talking with prospects on the phone.

It is so helpful getting training, scripts, and live calls to listen to so that we can actually know what to do in real live scenarios. It’s like being in a masterclass. Each training is like sharpening my skills more and more. Then getting on calls and learning as I do…then coming back to each training…it’s like hyperdrive skills training. REAL WORLD LESSONS. Thank you so much!!!
Great training. This took me back to my cal center days training others doing side by side. What a way to get up close and with a personal touch of our product! Thanks Coach Dean!
how to prospect, keep it simple, and what questions to ask to get your prospects to say yes’
The training from the webinar calls and Transforming Entrepreneurs program is wonderful and inspiring. I am truly learning the aspect of sorting versus selling and not convincing or begging people to join to my business. It was tough pill for me to swallow and going through the numbers. Going through the fire of rejection and finding the right people. That is the powerful information I am learning from the calls.

I really like the way you use questions to control the conversation and to lead them toward the goal of joining the business. I am sharing them with my VA who does the initial calling for me.
Real Time Telephone Interviewed leads:
What I so appreciate about LeadPower is that you really can reach a real human being to sort out misunderstandings or errors.
Other lead companies I’ve been exposed to it’s pretty much if don’t do it by email, you have no other option to communicate. So if there is an issue and you don’t really get satisfaction, you’re reduced to sending multiple emails when there is not an immediate addressing of the matter.
I also really like that the Excel CSV format that LeadPower uses is so user-friendly for loading into my auto-responder and I don’t have to make modifications to the download document before the lead data in it is ready to be loaded into the the auto-responder.
The specials LeadPower runs also helps me to get quality leads without breaking my budget. I’ve been real happy with the service I’ve gotten from LeadPower and I’ve stopped experimenting with other sources. Doug H.
As McDonald’s has systems that work so we need to follow their lead. not only talks the talk but they game my 10 leads for free and then sent me a video with pdf to teach me how to contact the prospects. There’s so much free content to keep you busy for years, and I’m taking full advantage of it all. Thanks 🙏 for everyone who came before me to put together this info for all of us.

Never a dull moment when Dean is Live dialing. Listen while he interviews his prospects and qualifies them for a home business opportunity. The more I listen in on these live dial’s the more confident I’ve become on the phone. Dean will also demonstrate how to handle negative and or objectionable people professionally. If your afraid to get on the phone you need to jump on these calls.
The way your approach is laid out is so simple, fear of failing has been stripped away. I am ready to move forward with a different mindset of ‘I CAN’. Thank you for understanding what holds people back and providing a step by step easy to follow.
One of the biggest nuggets I took away was to always keep control of the conversation and not let the prospect take over. The second was to not allow someone to ask me to call them back, which is something I have done. I learned that I ask what their interest level was from 1 – 10 and tell them if they’re truly interested, they’ll call me back. Also, to tell them to write $3,000 – $5,000 next to my number to incentivize.
I learned tonight about being confident while talking to prospects when we want to provide info about the opportunity.
Feel empowered to make the calls. The scripts are very useful.
When I started I couldn’t believe that I was setting myself up for failure with the very first question. I learned quickly knowing the right questions to ask keeps prospects on the phone. The phrasing that is used can also determine the length of the conversations. Having a simple script to follow makes calling so much easier and opens up my dialing time.
how to dig deeper asking better and more engaging questions…
The biggest take away I’ve gotten was how you must ask questions from the prospect and let them tell you about themselves and there situation

Dean is excellent at teaching the art in building confidence, posture and your voice.
The biggest nugget for me was that not all leads are good prospects. You must sort through and find the cream of the crop when calling the leads. Many of the leads will be busy or in the middle of something, so give them a CTA and leave it up to them. If they call back, then they might be serious about starting a new home business.

I just signed up for new leads from LeadPower. One of the biggest selling points was Live Dial where we watch leaders make live phone calls. My first session did not disappoint as I got to see an expert do what I had been attempting to do. Getting his perspective, hearing him talk with real people, and seeing how he was able to spot those prospects that showed promise vs those who did not was phenomenal and relevant training! Thank you!
I learned that it’s fine to disqualify people based on their answers.
I learned to listen to key indicators

I really like the live calls. It’s good to see that you show real-time examples of how your calls go. Sometimes, we sit and call and have no answer, no interest or no pulse. It’s encouraging to me and gives me resolve.
I have tried leads from many other companies, by far the leads I purchase from this company I would recommend for anyone. I find them to be very responsive and the closing ratio is great. Janice C.
I have struggled with closing the deal.
Love Dean’s work with the group…..

I’m liking the “fine tuning” Dean does to take our strategies and languaging up a few notches. Thanks! Can’t wait to apply!
Real Time Telephone Interviewed leads: What I so appreciate about LeadPower is that you really can reach a real human being to sort out misunderstandings or errors.
Other lead companies I’ve been exposed to it’s pretty much if don’t do it by email, you have no other option to communicate. So if there is an issue and you don’t really get satisfaction, you’re reduced to sending multiple emails when there is not an immediate addressing of the matter.
I also really like that the Excel CSV format that LeadPower uses is so user-friendly for loading into my auto-responder and I don’t have to make modifications to the download document before the lead data in it is ready to be loaded into the the auto-responder.
The specials LeadPower runs also helps me to get quality leads without breaking my budget. I’ve been real happy with the service I’ve gotten from LeadPower and I’ve stopped experimenting with other sources. Doug H.

First of all Dean made everyone feel welcome and encouraged us all to overcome our personal fears and to identify them so that we actually can overcome them, It all comes down to just doing it and not be so attached to the outcome that we are afraid to even start!
I’m sure with practice it will become easier to call folks, what are they going to do hangup, or say no, it’s just part of the process. I liked how he engaged the prospect on the phone with asking questions. Very impressed.
Sincerely, Byron
I liked how Dean let people know that it didn’t look like a fit without offending potential prospects.
Good to see that not every call is a hold mine.
Good point about using pauses at the appropriate time in the approach.

Wow, getting great new insights from Dean and I’ve been in network marketing for years! Can’t wait to implement! The languaging is going to change my business forever.
TheTraning is done live and we can learn and implement it in our conversation with our customers. and have training videos and PDFs to overcome our obstacles.

The first biggest nugget is communication. keeping prospects engaged is very important. I’m learning to ask better questions.
The second biggest nugget is Clarity. Assuming without clarity will lose future business partners and or clients. Getting concise and clear answers/responses keeps both parties on the same page without a misunderstanding.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I have had a great experience with the Lead Power Leads. I would recommend them to anyone who is thinking about buying leads from a company like Lead Power. Great Work Guys! Lindsay.

The service and quality of this company are the best I have experienced in on over 30 years of network marketing. The conversion rate of the leads has been higher than any other lead provider I have done business with, and there been a lot. I highly recommend this company, LEAD POWER, as I believe you will be delighted in the way they do their business. I certainly will reorder since i have see a continual growth rate in my downline using the leads, service and training provided by LEAD POWER.
One of the biggest things I got out of the training tonight was the ease at which you got the prospects to talk to you. In addition, I learned how to be more conversational as opposed to being transactional. Thanks!
The biggest nugget that I’ve gotten from these trainings is that I just have to pick up the phone and dial! I have to make calls to get better at making calls and NOTHING will happen if I don’t make the calls! End of story.
Watching Dean’s demeanour as he contacted the leads was very educational in itself. A great example of how to maintain full control of a prospecting call and do it in a friendly & pleasant manner.
Dean’s training points on Mastering Connecting drive right to the heart of the matter. Excellent!

1. take away
It’s ok that the person may not be right for your business and to let the person go and move on to the next call
2. Its not necessarily the length of the call that is important but how many touches you have with the contact.
3. I found it interesting that the 1st call is not the closing call. It takes a multi step process to close a person.
I really liked the phone tips, with the importance of gleaning information from a conversation instead of “selling” a prospect.y
There were several great nuggets; the most important one was leaving the right message for my new prospect and not immediately diving into my business opportunity before getting to know the prospect and what they want.
I love Dean’s trainings I love his approach and posture his leads are really open to moving forward and learning more about the business
I was somewhat hesitant to get leads when I first started within my network marketing company, mostly because it’s not very duplicatable. However, I realized that prospecting and qualifying people was taking forever. And, I wasn’t too comfortable reaching out to my warm market yet. I was referred to leadpower, and was amazed with all the training articles and videos they provide. When I saw that they have a live training call a couple times a week, in which you watch someone experienced make calls to the same leads I was pretty intrigued. And, after checking out this free training, and the ensuing FB thread I was convinced how cool the advice Dean has. I try to listen to and schedule around his calls now.
The cool thing is that it’s not theoretical training that you get from a book, or watching a youtube video. Though, he has a ton of awesome references too. I refer all new partners to crossline people in the company to listen to his free calls. And, the great thing is that it’s recorded if you can’t make the live call.
This trainings gave me so much benifical information. I learned what I was doing wrong, and how to correct it, How to get my prospects to listen to the information with interest, and to go to the next step. I like the fact that there are examples of how to do this the right way.
Always getting nuggets to help improve my game
Listening to the live calls as I do the same and have the dialer
Maintaining posture, being direct

Let go of wet wood, it won’t burn and you will waste a ton of your time to get it started! Look for wood that is ready to get started and you just need to be the spark.
These training segments are right on point – inspirational and beneficial.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I have used leads from many sources over the years and I have found the LeadPower leads to be the best that I have ever used. In the last packaged that I bought, I had three sign ups, and four more possible and I still have several to contact. These prospects are looking for opportunities. Mable J.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
Since my first purchase leadpower has under promised and over delivered . Leadpower provides my business with quality leads , and a helpful staff , that is easy to contact. All of my questions and concerns were addressed by a kind and caring representative. I continue to remain a customer because of the level of commitment Leadpower has shown in producing the best leads at the best prices to insure growth in any business. I would recommend Leadpower to anyone whatever there need for contacts are . Cynthia H.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I called all the leads as soon as I received them and here’s the results : 23 leads (3 bad numbers, reached 9 = 2 disqualified, and set 7 appointments) They look like real good quality leads. -Jeane

I’ve learned to take better approaches to my prospecting. Improve my sorting and find those that have the desire and drive to be successful.
Long Form Surveyed Real Time Leads:
Just had to write you a note, and let you know how much I LOVE the Leadpower, Real Time, Surveyed,. How perfectly wonderful to call a prospective lead, and have them know who I am and welcome me with open arms….AND they are actually happy to hear from me, and anxious to get all the wonderful information.
It is also extremely helpful to have a more exact time of day to call them. 9 out of 10 were home the first time I called them, and I set up information call appointments with all of them for the next couple of days.
So far I have paperwork out of two, and enrolled another one. What a great ratio! I will be ordering these on a regular basis for sure!! Thanks so much ! I have included a note from another gal on my team, and I will be forwarding on still another team mates happy thoughts on these great leads! Gay R.
Area Code Specific Leads—Daily Area Codes:
Over the past 12 months, I have enrolled approximately 8 people from Leadpower’s Area Code Specific Leads. I have only gotten these leads 3-4 different times in the last year.
I just enrolled someone this month from the Area Code Specific leads, after getting 10/day for one week. I have several others that said they DID request the information, which is more than alot of these other companies that charge twice as much or MORE for their leads can say! Thank you Lead Power! Susie B
Long Form Real Time Leads:
Leadpower continually provides me with the highest quality leads at a very reasonable price. They also have a wonderful customer service staff to handle all of my needs in a timely manner. I can’t imagine using any other source for leads other than Leadpower! Shawn E.
Short Form Real Time Leads:
I have tried several lead sources out there. I’ve paid anywhere from .10 to over $5.00 a lead. What I find is that I always come back to LeadPower. Their leads, especially for the price, are the best I have found.
The majority of my organization has been built with them. I am starting my 24th weekly coop for team members…so that tells me that others see the value and quality in them as well! Thanks LeadPower. Shelly A.
Telephone Interviewed Real Time Leads:
I have been using leadpower leads for 1 year this month. I have tried other lead purchase programs, I feel like I have only wasted my time and money. I never get the wonderful results that I get when I use leadpower leads. My time is a very thing of great value.
I will never use another lead program again. Leadpower is the best priced and has the highest quality out there. In my opinion Lead Power is the one and only lead purchase program to use.
I tell anyone in my organization to use leadpower and leadpower alone. Thank you leadpower for providing me with the tools needed to make my company grow to the thriving business that it is today. Jaime
Ameriplan Type —Short Form Real Time Leads:
Hi I love lead Power real time leads. The first one I called I enrolled and out of 35 leads I enrolled 4 brokers. Chris (AmeriPlan USA) Thank so much Ron
Telephone Interviewed Real Time Leads:
Leadpowers telephone interviewed leads exceeded my expectations. They were delivered fast and were the definition of quality . I am a satisfied and now loyal customer of Leadpower. Leadpower is a big resource for the continued growth of my business. Monique A.

– I discovered the VERY powerful CitaLink tool to assist me in fast-dialing multiple leads in rapid succession.
– I picked up a number of effective lines and responses from Dean’s live calls.
– I was reminded of the necessity of calling more – MANY more – people per day (and yes, I ABSOLUTELY want to grow faster).
Thanks. This training was excellent and I can see why I have fallen (been a victim-Ha!) into many, many programs. I am going to follow up with your training. Really great, great program.
The scripts provided are amazing! I was afraid to make cold calls and was so relieved to have a road map available. Step by step instructions, gave me the confidence I needed to succeed. I would recommend this training to anyone. I am looking forward to improving my closing skills and increasing my customer base!
Thank you!

I just got started today. I ordered the Superclicks and so far they are moving along great. Also I have contact the 5 out of 10 free leads I have received thus far. All to voicemail (not suprising) but they are who the system says they are which is great. I have emailed and left voicemails and will email them later this evening and follow up tomorrow etc to work on converting them. The training in itself on telling not selling is PRICELESS. Thank you for putting this amazing company together and standing out from many other lead generation companies.
Benjamin Gardner

I have attended 2 live trainings with Dean Mitzel. He does an outstanding job. I appreciate the consistency of the training on the script because it is repeatable, teachable, and scalable.

The key to working leads successfully is long-term consistency. Dean has proven the test of time with a system that makes it easier calling the leads with their dialer and using a proven script that gets results!

My husband introduced me to this program and it was well worth the time didn’t. I appreciated the real time prospect calls and dialogues. His training was filled with so many nuggets and great questions that helps to prequalify and disqualify who we should spend out time with.

Biggest nugget that I learned tonight is to recognize when to cut off the person on the phone. Generally I would be speaking longer but now I see that time is precious as we need to sprint through a large number of people to find the right ones.

Where does one begin to share as there were many nuggets. Big nugget is to listen to the prospect and if they say no or hesitate, it is a “red flag” to end the call. Be confident. NWM is like cooking brisket – takes time!!
I liked how the Caller introduced herself by telling the Lead she called with the following: “You weren’t expecting this Call from me
– you recently expressed an interest in having your own Business that you can work from home, and I am giving you a courtesy call to see if what I am doing would be something you would be interested in.”
Another Nugget was how the Caller ended a conversation with “I am sending you some information for you to look
into and I will follow up with you ________.”
Don’t waste your time if they are hesitant
The number of times I talk to a person is more important than any given call.
My mentor shared this service with me and what I love about is the training provided for calling the live training webinar is the best with live calling. I think this is a game-changer for all network marketers.

I was struggling to make calls. These live call trainings have made the difference. In just a matter of weeks, I have increased my prospecting 10-fold! I’m now sponsoring people. Seriously, these leads and these live call trainings are the best use of my time and money.
Learn how to be confident on the phone and learn to sort rather than recruit just anyone in your business
Telephone Interviewed Real Time Leads:
Being in the Insurance Business in addition to the Consumer Direct Marketing business I have a better than average knowledge of the importance of good leads. My experience with your leads is that they are above average in quality.
The telephone verified leads have the prospect softened up considerably and they are usually quite receptive to at least getting more information about my proposition. Leland M.